Customizing existing Result Codes is a pivotal step in optimizing your Project's workflow and tailoring it to your company's unique requirements. By modifying existing Result Codes, you empower your Users to efficiently track and manage call outcomes, driving productivity and effectiveness. Here's a comprehensive guide to maximizing efficiency within your VanillaSoft projects:
Accessing the Result Code Configuration Section
- From the Admin homepage, open the specific Project you wish to configure.
- In the top menu, navigate to the Workflow/Routing menu, then select Result Codes.
Once in the Result Code Configuration section, you can make necessary changes to align the Result Codes with your Project's goals. Remember to click "Save" after making changes so they take effect for all resulted Contacts from that point on. Changes to Result Codes do not take affect retroactively.
Overview of Result Code Settings
Each Result Code is displayed in its own row, with the settings sorted by labeled columns. Each setting can be changed to match your organization's specific workflow needs. Expand any of the following to learn more about how the section works:
Result Code
The Result Code is typically an abbreviation, with a maximum of 10 characters. This is what will display on the Caller's screen as a quick reference, as well as on the real-time dashboard.
Result Description
The Result Description will also show up in the Result Call window on the Caller's screen and can be included in custom reports. This field has a 50-character limit.
Result Group
Result Groups are categories used to group different results together for reporting and querying. It's important to note that selecting a Result Group does not directly impact your routing queue; they simply serve as labels for organizational purposes. You can use these groups flexibly to enhance your organization's workflow.
These are some suggestions on how each could be used:
- Contact-Positive: The Caller has reached the Contact and the call was successful.
- Contact-Negative: The Caller has reached the Contact, but the call was not successful.
- Contact-SendInfo: The Caller has reached the Contact, but the Contact would like more information.
- Contact-Callback: The Contact asked to be called back at a later time.
- No Contact: The Caller was not able to reach the Contact. This could be used when a voicemail is left with the Contact.
- Unreachable: Indicates that the caller was unable to reach the contact and also unable to leave a voicemail.
The Active checkbox controls the visibility of the Result Code on the Caller's screen. When unchecked, the Result Code is not accessible to Callers. This feature allows you to keep a Result Code inactive while you create, modify, or prepare it for use. When you're ready to use the Result Code, simply check the Active box and save. This will make the Result Code accessible to your Callers.
Result Action
The Result Action is a crucial setting in the Result Code setup, as it determines the action taken for each Result Code, including when, where, or if a contact will re-enter the call queue. There are several Result Action options available:
End of Queue, Minimum: When a contact is placed back into the queue with a minimum time before routing (e.g., End of Queue Minimum 16 hours), it puts that contact 'on hold' and will not be routed for at least the amount of time that has been set. This prevents the contact from being called again too quickly. These contacts are prioritized lower than Scheduled Callbacks, available contacts, due Retry-ins, and Uncalled contacts, ensuring they get another chance to be contacted but not right away.
When setting this waiting time, you have two options:
- End Of Queue, Minimum: This option lets you choose from preset waiting times. If you don't want any waiting time, select "No Minimum" from the drop-down.
- Custom End Of Queue: With this option, you can decide exactly how long a contact should wait before they're eligible to be called again. You can enter the waiting time in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. This flexibility allows you to tailor the waiting time to fit your specific needs.
- Retry In: Contacts are placed back into the queue and prioritized based on the retry-in period (e.g., retry in 4 hours). They route behind Scheduled and Calendared calls and new web leads but ahead of uncalled and End of Queue contacts. Caution: Avoid over-relying on Retry In to prevent the constant reoccurrence of the same contacts at the expense of new ones.
- Retry At: Similar to "Retry In" but with a set date and time that the contact should be routed for a retry. If other contacts have a higher priority, those contacts will be routed before any contacts with a "Retry At" result code selected. Note: Many factors come into play when prioritizing the routing queue. Therefore, a "Retry At" contact may not necessarily be routed at the exact date and time that was selected depending on the rest of your routing queue.
- Rule Based Routing: Create custom rules to determine where a contact should go in the queue. For more information on Rule-Based Routing, visit the Setup Rule Based Routing article.
- Schedule a Callback: Users will pick a specific date and time to schedule a callback, making it a top priority for routing when due. The scheduled callbacks are added to the calendar for easy tracking.
- Schedule an Appointment: Allow Callers to schedule appointments for themselves or another Caller. To enable this feature, the Appointment Setting feature must be configured. More information on appointment-setting Result Codes can be found in the Create a Result Code to Schedule an Appointment article.
- Stop Trying (un-flag): This action allows active control of the calling queue through flagging and unflagging in Contact Management. A flagged contact is a contact that is in the calling queue. If a contact is unflagged, they are no longer routing through the calling queue. However, this will not close a contact. More on the difference between a closed contact and an unflagged contact can be found in the Difference Between 'Call Flag' and 'Closed Flag' article.
- Close Contact: Sets the closed flag on the contact, removing it from the queue. The contact can be brought back into the queue by reopening and re-flagging. More on the difference between a closed contact and an unflagged contact can be found in the Difference Between 'Call Flag' and 'Closed Flag' article.
Dialing Action
- Dial Next Contact: Dials the next contact even if there are additional numbers on the current contact. This is the default dialing action and is the best option for most organizations.
- Dial Next Number: Dials the next number on the contact's profile. If the Contact doesn't have another number, the next Contact from the routing queue will be routed to the Caller. This option will only work if the Caller's profile has Progressive Dialing enabled. More on Progressive Dialing can be found in the Configuring Progressive or Preview Dialing article.
- Disable #, Dial Next: Disables the number that was just attempted to prevent future attempts on that number, then dials the next number on the contact's profile. If the Contact doesn't have another number, the next Contact from the routing queue will be routed to the Caller. This option will only work if the Caller's profile has Progressive Dialing enabled. More on Progressive Dialing can be found in the Configuring Progressive or Preview Dialing article.
User Assignment
Contacts can be assigned to different users and teams upon resulting, either automatically or at the user's choice. This feature can be used in conjunction with Scheduled Callbacks or Appointments to allow callers to schedule callbacks or appointments on behalf of other users. The different User Assignment options are as follows:
- No: This option means "no change." If a contact is already assigned to a user, selecting "No" will not unassign the contact; it will maintain the current assignment. To unassign a contact, you will need to use one of the other options below and select "No User."
- User Choice: This option allows the caller to select which user this contact will be assigned to.
- Specified User: This is a static setting that will assign any contact to a pre-selected user whenever the Result Code is selected. Callers will not have the choice to make a different selection.
- Specified Team: Similar to "Specified User," this option assigns any contact to a pre-selected team whenever the Result Code is selected. Callers will not have the choice to make a different selection.
- Both User & Team: This option combines "Specified User" and "Specified Team," allowing the admin to select a specific user and team to assign the contact to.
Lead Status Change
Lead statuses do not affect a contact's routing priority. This means that changing a lead status does not change how the contact is prioritized in the routing queue.
- No: Selecting "No" means "no change." It will maintain the current lead status of the contact, whether it is present or not. Using this option will not alter the lead status.
- User Choice: This option allows users to select a lead status for the contact when resulting.
- Specified Lead Status: This option assigns a specific lead status to the contact upon resulting. The lead status chosen here will be applied to the contact.
Require Comments
When enabled, the Require Comments option ensures that the caller must enter a comment before finalizing the result code for a contact. While comments can always be added when applying a result code, this setting makes it mandatory to include a comment in order to proceed to the next contact.
Modifying Result Codes is a powerful method for customizing your project's workflow and enhancing efficiency. By tailoring these result codes to fit your organization's specific needs, you can boost your team's productivity and achieve your goals more effectively.