If you don't have or use your own email server, you can use the following settings for commonly used free email providers. Follow the instructions in the Setting Up Your Email Account article to enter these settings into your profile. If your email provider is not listed here or the configuration does not validate, contact your email provider for assistance.
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.aol.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your AOL address (e.g., example@aol.com)
- Password: Your AOL password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
We recommend using the 'Connect with Google' method instead of SMTP to connect to your Google account.
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.gmail.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Gmail address (e.g., example@gmail.com)
- Password: Your Gmail password
- Port: 587
- Encryption Method: TLS
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): mail.gmx.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your GMX address (e.g., example@gmx.com)
- Password: Your GMX password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.live.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Hotmail address (e.g., example@hotmail.com)
- Password: Your Hotmail password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.mail.me.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your iCloud address (e.g., example@icloud.com)
- Password: Your iCloud password
- Port: 587
- Use SSL: Yes
Office 365
We recommend using the 'Connect with Microsoft' method instead of SMTP to connect to your Microsoft 365 account.
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.office365.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Office 365 address (e.g., example@yourdomain.com)
- Password: Your Office 365 password
- Port: 587
- Use SSL: Yes
Outlook Mail
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp-mail.outlook.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Outlook address (e.g., example@outlook.com)
- Password: Your Outlook password
- Port: 587
- Use SSL: Yes
Rediff Pro/Rediffmail
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.rediffmailpro.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your RediffMail address (e.g., example@rediffmail.com)
- Password: Your RediffMail password
- Port: 587
- Use SSL: Yes
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.verizon.net
- Account Name/User Name: Your Verizon address (e.g., example@verizon.net)
- Password: Your Verizon password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
Windows Mail (Mail.Com)
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.mail.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Mail.Com address (e.g., example@mail.com)
- Password: Your Mail.Com password
- Port: 587
- Use SSL: Yes
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.mail.yahoo.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Yahoo address (e.g., example@yahoo.com)
- Password: Your Yahoo password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.yandex.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Yandex address (e.g., example@yandex.com)
- Password: Your Yandex password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
Zoho Mail
- Host / Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.zoho.com
- Account Name/User Name: Your Zoho address (e.g., example@zoho.com)
- Password: Your Zoho password
- Port: 465
- Use SSL: Yes
Ensure to follow the specific instructions for each provider to set up your email account successfully.