Making sure you receive all your essential emails from VanillaSoft is a breeze! Follow these simple steps to whitelist VanillaSoft and ensure our emails don't end up in your Spam folder.
- Start by logging in to your Gmail account.
- Once logged in, click the gear icon to open the settings menu.
- At the top of the settings menu, select See All Settings.
- Select the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab from the settings page.
- Click the Create a New Filter option to set up a new filter.
- In the From field, type "" (without quotations) to specify VanillaSoft as a trusted sender.
- Click on Create a New Filter to proceed.
- Check the Never Send It To Spam checkbox to ensure VanillaSoft emails are not marked as spam. You can also apply any other desired filtering options.
- Click Create Filter to save your settings.
- The filter should now be visible in your list of filters that apply to all incoming mail.
That's it! With these quick and easy steps, you've successfully whitelisted VanillaSoft in your Gmail account. Now, enjoy receiving our emails without worrying about getting lost in the Spam folder. Feel free to customize the filter further during the setup process if you have any other preferences.