Managing your Voicemail Drops is simple and can be done directly through the VanillaSoft VoIP portal. Follow these steps to listen to, download, or delete your Voicemail Drop recordings. If you need instructions for setting up Voicemail Drops, please refer to the Using Voicemail Drop (VMDrop) with VanillaSoft VoIP article.
Steps to Manage Voicemail Drops
Log in to the VoIP Portal: Access the VanillaSoft VoIP portal using your VoIP portal credentials.
Open the Settings Menu: From the side navigation bar, click on Settings to open the menu.
Select Message Drops: From the Settings menu, click on Message Drops to access the Message Drops section.
Manage Voicemail Drop Recordings: From the Message Drops section, you can:
- Play: Listen to your existing Voicemail Drop recordings.
- Download: Save the recording to your device.
- Delete: Remove any outdated or unnecessary recordings.
Understanding Icons
Below is a legend to help identify the icons used in the VoIP portal for managing Voicemail Drops:
- Play Recording
- Download Recording
- Delete Recording
Additional Notes
- The filenames of your Voicemail Drop recordings correspond to the mailbox number in the VMDrop section of your VanillaSoft profile. For example:
- om1.mp3: Voicemail Drop 1
- om2.mp3: Voicemail Drop 2
- For more details on configuring your VMDrop messages, refer to the Using Voicemail Drop (VMDrop) with VanillaSoft VoIP article.
By following these steps, you can easily review, download, or delete your Voicemail Drop recordings, ensuring your messages are always current and effective.