Importing contacts into your VanillaSoft project can be easy, offering multiple methods for your convenience. This guide will walk you through importing contacts from a spreadsheet. If your contacts are from a web lead source, refer to our How to Set Up Incoming Web Leads article for guidance on handling web leads.
Before You Begin
Make sure your spreadsheet is saved in the CSV file format. If you need help saving your spreadsheet as a CSV file, consult our Save Your Spreadsheet as a CSV File article for detailed instructions.
Importing Contacts from a Spreadsheet
- From the Admin homepage, open the specific Project where you want to import contacts.
- Navigate to the Contacts & Reports menu and select the Import Contacts section.
- Click Choose File and locate your CSV spreadsheet.
- Select the file and click Open.
- Choose the desired mapping from the Import Mapping drop-down if you've saved mapping preferences. Otherwise, you can skip this step.
- In the Import Method drop-down, choose from the following options:
- Add Contacts: Add all contacts from your spreadsheet without checking for duplicates.
- Add Contacts / Skip Duplicates: Add new contacts but skip duplicates based on the chosen field.
- Add / Update Contacts: Add new contacts and update duplicates based on the specified field.
- After making your selections, click Next.
- Map the relevant fields from your spreadsheet to the corresponding VanillaSoft fields.
- VanillaSoft will attempt to map fields automatically, but verifying all mapping before proceeding is advisable.
- Once your mapping is complete, select Start Import.
Upon initiating the import, you'll be directed to a screen displaying your import status and history. Feel free to navigate away from this page, as it will be okay with your ongoing import process.