As an Administrator, you can download a list of all your updated Contacts into a CSV file at any time. When you Export Contact Changes from VanillaSoft, the file can then be managed in Excel as a spreadsheet.
Note: Tracking changes to a Contact could take around 5 minutes for the updates to be available. If you don't see changes that were done recently, wait a few minutes and try again. Once you export the file outside of VanillaSoft, any changes you make to the file will need to be re-uploaded to update the Contacts in VanillaSoft. Please refer to our Update Contacts Upon Import article for more information on updating Contacts with a CSV file.
How to Export Contact Changes
- Log in to VanillaSoft as an Admin.
- Select the desired Project.
- Under Contacts & Reports, select Export Contacts.
- Click on the Export Contact Changes tab.
- Select Add Template.
- Enter the desired Template Name.
- Open the Date Range drop-down and select the desired option.
- If Custom is selected, enter the Start Date and End Date.
- Select the desired Change Options.
- Last change only - Will show only the last change to the contact.
- Last 5 changes - Will show the 5 most recent changes to the contact.
- Select the desired File Options.
- One CSV for all fields - Generates a CSV file with all selected tracked and reference fields.
- One CSV per field - Generates a CSV file per selected tracked fields with selected reference fields.
- In the Tracked Fields section, select Add/Remove Fields.
- Select which field(s) you would like to apply, then click Apply Selection.
- In the Reference Fields section, select Add/Remove Fields.
- Select which field(s) you would like to apply, then click Apply Selection.
- Once done, click Save.
- Once the template is saved, click Export.
- After clicking Export, the file will save to your local computer.